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Entrance Gates No.



Dear Parents of Manaret El Eman Language School:

Because of the Pre-cautions of Covid 19 the numbers of the gates have been up- dated

To distribute the students during their entrans and departure.

Gate 1

Entrance and Departure of the Parents.

Gate 9

Entrance and departure of KG (Boys).

Gate 2

Entrance and departure of KG (Girls).

Gate 3

●Entrance of primary stage students.

●Departure of lower primary stage students + Girls of upper primary (4, 5, 6).


Gate 4

●Entrance of Prep and Secondary stage.

●Departure of upper primary stage students Boys of (4, 5, 6).

Gate 6

Departure of Prep and Second stage students.

Gate 5

Entrance and Departure of Prep and Secondary Patents.

Gate 7

School Buses Gate.

Gate 8

School Buses KG.